Thursday, March 8, 2012

Walter much worse than I thought. We got a call from his boss. His boss say he ain't been in for days and if he don't come in tomorrow he gonna fire him. I talked to him when he come home from that bar. That damned bar. That bar he been a waistin his days away in. We talked and he tell me he just want to follow his dream. He tell me that me and his daddy always taught him so. A man without a dream is a man broken. And I realize he right. He got to follow that dream for more than just what it is. It's not just a liquor store. It's more than that. To him its his proof. His proof that he ain't just some tool of the white man. Not just to the white man, but to his family. And I know he got to follow his dream. If he don't he never gonna live another day of his life the way a happy man should. So I give him the money and I tell him, Son you go put half of this money away for your sisters college and the rest you use to open up that liquor store and take your place as head of the family. He was so happy. The happiest I seen his face in a long time. I know he gonna make me proud and he gonna make his family proud. I just know it.

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