Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Oh lawdie! The moneys finally here! The whole family seems to be just as excited as I am. But with the good there is always some bad. I know Walter wants that money but he needs to wake up and realize that there are more people in this family than jus him. A liquor store is not going to help our family out and its a waste of time and money. Ruth is pregnant too! Oh I'm so happy that I can see another blessed child from the lord livin in this house. I just wish the rest of the family could be as happy about this baby as I am. They see it as more of a burden. More money and more food. Beneatha started talking all blasphemous about how she don't believe in god. I heard her. I sat there. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I stood up and slapped her straight cross her jaw. Hehe heh. Oh my children. I love em but they scare me sometimes.

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