Thursday, March 8, 2012 son proved himself. He showed that he really is the head of this family. I'm so happy. So proud of him. He told that Mr. Lidner that we movin right into that house no matter what. He shown his son what it takes to be a man. He proved himself more than any liquor store ever could. We finally movin out of this apartment into our beautiful new home. I can't help but get all teary eyed lookin back at this old place. We spent so much time and money on this old dust bucket we could of bought a million houses. This is gonna be my last blog for a while. What with us gettin all set up in our new house. I was right. Walter was gonna make me real proud. And Beneatha been asked to go to Africa by that Asagai fellow. She can be a nurse and do all the things she dreamed of doing. Walter go his real dream too. He head of the family. My children. They really are something. Oops almost forgot to bring my plant!

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