Thursday, March 8, 2012

He done it. He went and done lost it. Lost all of it. His friend Willy Harris done made of with all of it. He trusted Willy. Maybe trust ain't what it used to be. They fallin apart. Ruth thinkin about getting rid of that baby. Benethea think the whole world nothin but a cruel joke. And my son. My only son Walter Lee threw away our futures. Not just his and his damn liquor store, but Benethea's too. He didn't even put away the money for Beneatha's college education. He at his lowest that child. He been tossed and turned by this world and now he at his lowest. I still love him. After today I'll see if even still I love him. That Mr. Lidner coming back today. My son says he gonna accept that mans offer. He gonna accept that devil in mans clothes offer. He got now to prove himself. He got one chance to show that even when this world shove him, and push him, and hurt him that he can still keep fighting. But if he still accepts that money; When Travis looks into his eyes and is about to see the kind of man his father is and he still takes that money, then he won't have just lost our house. He'll have lost his son too.

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