Thursday, March 8, 2012 son proved himself. He showed that he really is the head of this family. I'm so happy. So proud of him. He told that Mr. Lidner that we movin right into that house no matter what. He shown his son what it takes to be a man. He proved himself more than any liquor store ever could. We finally movin out of this apartment into our beautiful new home. I can't help but get all teary eyed lookin back at this old place. We spent so much time and money on this old dust bucket we could of bought a million houses. This is gonna be my last blog for a while. What with us gettin all set up in our new house. I was right. Walter was gonna make me real proud. And Beneatha been asked to go to Africa by that Asagai fellow. She can be a nurse and do all the things she dreamed of doing. Walter go his real dream too. He head of the family. My children. They really are something. Oops almost forgot to bring my plant!
He done it. He went and done lost it. Lost all of it. His friend Willy Harris done made of with all of it. He trusted Willy. Maybe trust ain't what it used to be. They fallin apart. Ruth thinkin about getting rid of that baby. Benethea think the whole world nothin but a cruel joke. And my son. My only son Walter Lee threw away our futures. Not just his and his damn liquor store, but Benethea's too. He didn't even put away the money for Beneatha's college education. He at his lowest that child. He been tossed and turned by this world and now he at his lowest. I still love him. After today I'll see if even still I love him. That Mr. Lidner coming back today. My son says he gonna accept that mans offer. He gonna accept that devil in mans clothes offer. He got now to prove himself. He got one chance to show that even when this world shove him, and push him, and hurt him that he can still keep fighting. But if he still accepts that money; When Travis looks into his eyes and is about to see the kind of man his father is and he still takes that money, then he won't have just lost our house. He'll have lost his son too.
Man by the name of Mister Lidner come by and tell us he from the welcoming committee. Well that's what he said. It was just a polite way of saying we don't want no blacks in our community. Even offered double what we payed for the house to up and leave it up. Course we said no. Everyone else in the family just laugh it off like it's nothing. But I don't like it. I don't like it one bit. I can see storm clouds gathering.
Quick Update:
We all checkin out the new house. Travis got me a beautiful hat for the garden. He so sweet. Everyone else laughed, they thought it looked funny. I told em to hush cause they didn't know what they was talking about.
Walter much worse than I thought. We got a call from his boss. His boss say he ain't been in for days and if he don't come in tomorrow he gonna fire him. I talked to him when he come home from that bar. That damned bar. That bar he been a waistin his days away in. We talked and he tell me he just want to follow his dream. He tell me that me and his daddy always taught him so. A man without a dream is a man broken. And I realize he right. He got to follow that dream for more than just what it is. It's not just a liquor store. It's more than that. To him its his proof. His proof that he ain't just some tool of the white man. Not just to the white man, but to his family. And I know he got to follow his dream. If he don't he never gonna live another day of his life the way a happy man should. So I give him the money and I tell him, Son you go put half of this money away for your sisters college and the rest you use to open up that liquor store and take your place as head of the family. He was so happy. The happiest I seen his face in a long time. I know he gonna make me proud and he gonna make his family proud. I just know it.
Walter didn't come around.
I did it! I took the money and I done bought us a house! Oh everyone at home is going to be so happy. It's such a nice house, nice and roomy, and it got a garden in the back! Praise the lord I finally got me a garden. Got to remember to go buy me gardening supplies and some plants. Travis finally going to have a backyard he can run around in and we finally gonna have a place to call our own. There is one problem though. It's in an all white neighborhood. Clybourne Park. It don't matter though. Any problems we have its their fault not ours. We just gonna mind our own business and live our lives just like anyone else. I hope that Walter will be happy about it though. I know he wanted to open up that liquor store but he gonna realize that it was just a silly idea. He gonna see how happy his family is and he gon' turn right around and be happy with us. It makes a difference in a man when he can walk on floors that are his own. That's what I'll tell him. That's what I always said. I'm sure  Walter will come around. Right?